Further submissions

Submission Database

Further Submissions on the Summary of Decisions Requested (Summary of Submissions) Addendum

Following notification of the Summary of Submissions on 4 March 2024, Council identified one missing submission point . That submission was made by Environment Canterbury and relates to the definition of 'natural hazard sensitive activities,' which relates to the Natural Hazards chapter of the PDP. Submissions on the Natural Hazards chapter are scheduled to be heard in Hearing F (29 April – 2 May 2025).

The Council has now publicly notified an Addendum to the Summary of Decisions Requested report which sets out the missing submission point.  The public notice, summary of the missing point, and further submission form can be viewed below:

As outlined in the public notice, further submissions on the Summary of Submissions Addendum are now being called for. Further submissions are limited to matters in support of, or in opposition to, a submission point contained in the Addendum.

The closing date for further submissions on the addendum is 5pm on Thursday 26 February 2025.

Note: Further submission is limited to the submission points included in the Summary of Decisions Requested Addendum above.

Making a Further Submission

Further submissions are an opportunity for you to assess the effect an original submission may have on you, and to have your views considered alongside the original submission. You do not need to have made an original submission on the PDP to be able to make a further submission on the Addendum.

Requirements for making a Further Submission

Any person may make a further submission if:

  • they represent a relevant aspect of the public interest, or
  • they have an interest greater than the general public, or
  • the Council itself.

Further submissions can only be made in support or opposition, or part thereof, of an original submission. This is not an opportunity to introduce new submission points, only to respond to the points raised by others in their submissions.

How to make a Further Submission

A further submission must include the information requested in Form 6 of the Resource Management Act 1991.  We recommend you use the provided Form to complete your submission.

A further submission can also be made using a letter format. In order for the further submission to be considered using this format, the following information must be included:

  • your full name and/or name of organisation you represent;
  • your postal address (so information can be sent to you) and contact number/s;
  • whether or not you wish to be heard in support of your further submission at a Council hearing;
  • if others make a similar submission, whether you would be prepared to consider presenting a joint case with them at any hearing;
  • your signature and the date (signature not required if further submission is emailed).

And for each decision requested you wish to submit on:

  • the name of the person/organisation who made the original submission that you are making your further submission on;
  • the original ‘submission point unique ID that you are making your further submission on;
  • whether you support or oppose the original submission;
  • the particular parts of the submission you support of oppose;
  • your reasons for supporting or opposing the submission;
  • whether you seek the whole/or part of the submission be allowed/or disallowed.

Further submissions can be:

  • Emailed to: pdp@timdc.govt.nz - Subject line: PDP Further Submission
  • Posted to: Timaru District Council, PO Box 522, Timaru, 7940
  • Delivered to a Council Service Centre in Timaru, Temuka or Geraldine.

A copy of your further submission must be served on the original submitter (in this case, Environment Canterbury) within 5 working days after it is served on the Timaru District Council.

Contact details for Environmental Canterbury are as follows:

Postal AddressEmail 
Deidre Francis
Canterbury Regional Council
PO Box 345
Christchurch 8140cis
Attention: Deidre Francis
Struck out of Further Submissions

Please note that your submission (or part of your submission) may be struck out if the authority is satisfied that at least 1 of the following applies to the submission (or part of the submission):

  • It is frivolous or vexatious;
  • It discloses no reasonable or relevant case;
  • It would be an abuse of the hearing process to allow the submission (or the part) to be taken further;
  • It contains offensive language;
  • It is supported only by material that purports to be independent expert evidence, but has been prepared by a person who is not independent or who does not have sufficient specialised knowledge or skill to give expert advice on the matter.
Privacy Act 2020

Information supplied within a further submission will be made publicly available as part of the decision-making process.

History of Further Submissions

There were three opportunities to make a Further Submissions on the Summary of Decisions Requested (SoDR) :

  • On the original SoDR between 24 July 2023 and 11 August 2023.
  • On a SoDR Addendum between 14 September 2023 and 28 September 2023.
  • On a revised full SoDR between 4 March 2024 and 18 March 2024.

There were several submissions received after the close of the submission period on the original SoDR and SoDR Addendum, therefore these submissions were deemed as late further submissions. However, given the renotification of the full SoDR , these submissions are no longer considered late further submissions.

Further Submissions Received to date

Further submissions received on the Proposed Timaru District Plan can be viewed below:

Further Submissions received before 4 March 2024

Original Further submissions:

Further submissions received after the close of the submission period:

Further submissions received between 4 March 2024 and 18 March 2024

Last updated: 13 Feb 2025