Temporary Traffic Management

Working in the Road Corridor

Temporary Traffic Management

Update December 2024:

This notice outlines important information about upcoming changes to Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) and highlights key considerations for traffic management operators working on Timaru District Council roads.

​​Temporary traffic management helps ensure that:

  • the safety of the public and contractors is protected; and
  • disruption, delays and inconveniences to road users are minimised.

Any work or activity, including events, being undertaken in the road reserve must be controlled by an approved Traffic Management Plan.

A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) describes the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of an activity being carried out on the carriageway, footpath or road reserve, and how road users will be managed by temporary traffic management measures. It usually includes a plan and pictures of the area.

TMPs must be submitted at least five working days prior to the start of works or an event, and can only be completed by a Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS) with a current NZTA approved qualification.

If you are applying for a Corridor Access Request for your activity or event, you will be prompted in your application to complete a TMP. Read more about applying for a Corridor Access Request here.

Timaru District Council’s Land Transport Unit requires a TMP for:

  • Any services consent application
  • Any activity that occupies the road corridor
  • Any activity that may affect normal vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

Such activities include events such as street parades, cycling and running events.

An application for a temporary road closure may be required for some activities / events. Call Timaru District Council on 03 687 7200 or email CAR@timdc.govt.nz to discuss applying for a road closure.

Please note that for works or events near or on the State Highways, consent must be obtained from Waka Kotahi (the New Zealand Transport Agency).

Read the National Code of Practice for Utility Operators' Access to Transport Corridors

Read the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM) – 2013

Last updated: 06 Dec 2024