Walking & Cycling


Walking & cycling

The Timaru District is a great place for walking and cycling. Active transport is a healthy and sustainable alternative to motorised transport but requires investment in infrastructure and safety programmes to ensure options are accessible and realistic for residents and tourists.

Timaru District Council is committed to ongoing improvement of walking and cycling facilities in the district and completed the Timaru District Active Transport Strategy in 2024 in support of this aim. The main purpose of the strategy is to improve, integrate, update and develop Active Transport in the district by:

  • Establishing a strategic direction and policies for active transportation for the short (3 years), medium (3 to 10 years), and longer term (to 2041) time horizons;
  • Identifying active transport projects, recommending investigation, and recommending implementation;
  • Identifying funding, resources, and potential implementation timelines;
  • Identifying the related National, Regional, and Local strategies, plans, and policies that influence the strategy;
  • Improving connectivity and mobility in the District.

Cycleways in the Timaru District

Cycle safety

When cycling on the road, you must consider the safety of yourself and the safety of other road users. There are many things you can do to help keep yourself, and others, safe:

  • Wear an approved safety helmet when you are on your bicycle
  • Have good brakes on the front and back wheels
  • Use good hand signals to indicate to other road users what you are going to do
  • Stop and look before you ride onto the road
  • Walk your bike if the road feels too busy, or if you need to cross a busy intersection
  • Wear bright colours and/or reflector strips or vest
  • Install a red or yellow reflector at the back of your bike, facing backwards, and yellow pedal reflectors;
  • Install a steady red or yellow light at the rear, or a flashing red light that can be seen at night from at least 100 metres, and a steady white light at the front of your bike that can be seen at night from a distance of 100 metres.

You can find more information about cycle safety on the Waka Kotahi the New Zealand Transport Agency website.

Last updated: 14 Mar 2025