Transport Choices Arthur Street

Roads, Parking & Transport

This project is no longer going ahead due to funding changes

We appreciate your interest in our Transport Choices design for Arthur Street Timaru.

Between 1 September and 25 September 2023, we invited communities and stakeholders to take part in a survey to provide feedback on the three proposed ideas to resolve the existing safety issues at the intersection of Theodosia Street and Arthur Street. We received 170 survey submissions.

The three proposed ideas were:

Option 1
-Raised and traffic ramped crossing point for path users, across Theodosia Street (SH 1)
-No right turn for traffic from Arthur Street East, onto Theodosia Street (SH 1)
-Median refuge island for path users crossing Theodosia Street (SH 1)
-Street end closure for traffic of Arthur Street West

Option 2
-No right turn for traffic from Arthur Street East, onto Theodosia Street (SH 1)
-Median refuge island for path users crossing Theodosia Street (SH 1)
-Street end closure for traffic of Arthur Street West

Option 3
-Median refuge island for path users crossing Theodosia Street (SH 1)
-Street end closure for traffic of Arthur Street West

The aim of these designs are to create a more attractive and accessible place for the community, while improving the safety and efficiency of the state highway.

Here’s what the location could look like:

Proposed Crossing Arthur Street

Analysing of the survey responses has been conducted and a report has been made to highlight the feedback given. This report as well as further information about the design options will be presented to the Council Infrastructure Committee in February 2024 for them to decide on a design, if any are chosen.

We will ensure to keep the community updated as this project progresses.

Transport Choices

What is the Transport Choices Roading Project?

The Transport Choices Roading Project is a plan to improve the transport network in our district by building new roads, upgrading existing roads, and providing more options for public transport, cycling and walking.

How will the Transport Choices Roading Project benefit me? 

The Transport Choices Roading Project will benefit you by:
- Reducing travel times and improving reliability for all modes of transport.
- Improving safety and reducing crashes on our roads.
- Providing more choices and opportunities for active and public transport.
- Improving connectivity and accessibility to key destinations and services.
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality.
- Supporting local businesses.

How will this work be funded?

The Government has funded $348 million for the Transport Choices package from the Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF) programme to Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency, as part of Budget 2022.

The Proposed Project

Why are we delivering Walkable Neighbourhoods? 

Timaru District Council is committed to investment in improving walking, cycling and public transport opportunities for our community.

The co-location of Ara and a future Kainga Ora housing development are expected to add greater foot traffic to Arthur Street West and increase the frequency of people crossing SH1 at Arthur Street into Timaru city center. This project will create a safer crossing point and enable a safe walkable area for students and residents. In addition, this project aims to encourage more students and residents to opt in to biking, walking and other sustainable transport options, reducing reliance on vehicles and reducing carbon emissions.

When will the project be completed?

We are currently in the planning phase of this project. Start date mid to late 2023. Physical work to be completed by mid-2024.

Who will be ultimately responsible and accountable for these works?

The project scope was developed by Timaru District Council and refined alongside Waka Kotahi to ensure it meets the requirements of the Transport Choices Programme. While most of the funding is provided by Waka Kotahi, TDC are responsible and accountable for all the works.

Why are you proposing to install a raised pedestrian crossing?

We are proposing to install a raised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Theodosia Street and Arthur Street for several reasons. First, it will improve the safety and visibility of pedestrians and drivers, as well as reduce the speed of vehicles. Second, it will enhance the accessibility and comfort of people with disabilities, seniors, and children who use the crosswalk. Lastly, it will create a more attractive and liveable streetscape that supports local businesses and community activities. We believe that this project will benefit all road users and residents in the area.

Will any carparks be removed

Some carparking spots may be affected on Arthur Street West to accommodate the changes required to deliver the project. A detailed assessment of what car parks, if any, require removal will be assessed in due course.