Road Works


Road works and projects

Check out what's happening in your area! The map below provides information on planned and in progress roading projects in the Timaru District.

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How to use the map:

  • Click the top left button that looks like these symbols  >>
  • To search your address, type it into the top right search area, it will load options as you type.
  • To identify the type of work taking place, click the coloured shape and information will pop-up!
  • To zoom in and out, use the + and - buttons on the top left

Types of Project Works

Road Resurfacing

Think about it like giving your house a new coat of paint, it protects the road structure from moisture, but it doesn’t fix faults (like rotten boards).

Prior to resurfacing, your street may undergo a number of different works to improve the faults and drainage.  These are done to ensure maximum value is achieved for the customer and the roading asset.

Road Reconstruction

This is like stripping off the weatherboards and replacing them, before painting the house.

This work is more extensive and can include building up the road or on a large scale, digging up and removal of material. Road reconstruction is only done when the cost of future repairs to the road is higher than reconstructing it.

Within two years of reconstruction, there will be a further resurfacing, to ensure the investment (road) is protected by adequate waterproofing.

Road Seal Widening

This is a widening or an extension of the width of the road.

There are a number of roads that are now too narrow for their current and expected traffic, but do not qualify for a full reconstruction, therefore extra width is tacked on to the side of the existing road.

Footpath Reconstruction

This involves the removal of the existing footpath surface and then the preparation of the base for a new surface.

Prior to a footpath reconstruction, Council may contact you about any non-compliant vehicle crossing (driveway) to your property and offer to work with you to make your vehicle crossing comply with Council’s standards and specifications.

Kerb and Channel Reconstruction

This involves removing and replacing the existing kerb and channel.

Changes to road widths, alignment and traffic calming measures (road safety) may be done in conjunction with this reconstruction.

Roadside Drainage

This is normally known as drainage works or surface water channel construction. The reasons for undertaking roadside drainage works are:

  • Roadside drainage is necessary to draw water away from the road. Water in a pavement is the leading cause of failure (e.g. large unsafe potholes).
  • Roadside drainage is an important component of pre-reseal repairs. If poor drainage is observed, then usually there are a number of early failures, not visible to the untrained eye. If these are left and drainage is not done, then potholes grow in size and scale to cause an unsafe surface.
  • If drainage is not completed then eventually a costly road rehabilitation will be required. This is not a good use of ratepayer or taxpayer money.
  • Works are generally undertaken shortly before resurfacing on the rural network. Timing is scheduled such that we undertake the drainage works before pavement repairs. Generally the repairs need some months to settle and then resurfacing will be undertaken to keep the road waterproof and maximise its life.

Creating the surface water channels is standard maintenance practice for rural roads and the specification for construction is covered under the Council’s general maintenance contract, which is an accepted and well used national practice.

To create a surface water channel on our rural network a digger will remove grass and vegetation while digging on a shallow angle to create the channel. During construction, the berm may be left with clumps of soil and vegetation, which will be smoothed out when construction is completed.

While construction occurs, it may create some inconvenience for landowners that choose to maintain Council owned grass berms. Timaru District Council appreciates the patience and cooperation of landowners in the District – this cooperation helps support financial and safety benefits for our community.

Check out frequently asked questions about our works here

Last updated: 16 Jan 2025