Hearing Schedule

Hearings Information

Hearings Schedule

The Hearings Schedule below contains the topics and chapters of each hearing for the Proposed Timaru District Plan. It is important to note the following:

  • The Hearings Schedule is indicative and may be subject to change.
  • Hearing Notice will be serviced on all parties with hearing dates, times, location and the procedure prior to each hearing.
  • Prior to each hearing a hearing stream webpage will open containing the following information:
    • A list of submitter names to be heard in that hearing (released 20 working days prior to each hearing).
    • Section 42a reports published for that hearing (released 20 working days prior to each hearing).
    • Any additional information relevant to that hearing (minutes from the Panel, Joint Witness Statements etc).
    • Submitter evidence and legal submissions.


Chapters to be considered

Hearing Dates

Hearing A -

Overarching Matters

Part 1 - Introduction and General Provisions

High level Strategic Directions

Part 1 - Introduction and General Provisions

  • Foreword or mihi
  • Contents
  • Purpose
  • Description of the district
  • Statutory context
  • General approach
  • Cross boundary matters
  • Relationships between spatial layers
  • Definitions - General definitions only
  • Abbreviations
  • Glossary
  • National policy statements and New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement
  • National environmental standards
  • Regulations
  • Tangata whenua/mana whenua

Strategic Directions

  • SD – Strategic Direction
  • UFD – Urban form and development

8 & 9 May 2024

Hearing B -

B1 Rural Zones 

B2 Urban Zones

Note: submitters who have submitted on both subtopics will be allowed to speak in one of the hearings (B1 or B2) on both subtopics.

Note: Māori Purpose Zone and Open Space Zones are in Hearing D.


  • GRUZ - General Rural Zone
  • RLZ - Rural Lifestyle Zone
  • SETZ - Settlement Zone
  • Special Purpose Zones in Rural environment
  • Relevant Planning Maps
  • Relevant definitions


  • GRZ - General Residential Zone
  • MRZ - Medium Density Residential Zone
  • NCZ - Neighbourhood Centre Zone
  • LCZ - Local Centre Zone
  • LFRZ - Large Format Retail Zone
  • MUZ - Mixed Use Zone
  • TCZ - Town Centre Zone
  • CCZ - City Centre Zone
  • GIZ - General Industrial Zone
  • PORTZ - Port Zone
  • Special Purpose Zones in urban environment

Relevant Planning Maps

Relevant definitions

B1 & B2

22-26 July 2024

Notice of Hearing - Hearing B - 20 June 2024

Hearing C -

Natural Environment

Hazards and Risk

Hazards and Risks

  • CL - Contaminated Land
  • NH - Natural Hazards
  • HS - Hazardous Substances

Natural Environment

  • ECO - Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity
  • NATC - Natural Character
  • NFL - Natural Features and Landscapes
  • PA - Public Access
  • ASW - Activities on the Surface of Water
  • CE - Coastal Environment

Relevant Planning Maps

Relevant definitions

3-5 Sep 2024

Hearing D -

Cultural Values 

Open Space Zones

Cultural Values

  • HH - Historic Heritage
  • TREES - Notable Trees
  • SASM - Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori
  • MPZ - Māori Purpose Zone

Open Space Zones

  • NOSZ - Natural Open Space Zone
  • OSZ - Open Space Zone
  • SARZ - Sport and Active Recreation Zone

Relevant Planning Maps

Relevant definitions

12-15 November 2024

Hearing E -





  • EI - Energy and Infrastructure
  • SW - Stormwater Management
  • TRAN - Transport
  • DWP - Drinking Water Protection


  • SUB - Subdivision
  • FC - Financial Contribution


  • FDA - Future Development Area
  • DEV1 - Broughs Gully Residential Development Area
  • DEV2 - Gleniti Residential Development Area
  • DEV3 - Washdyke Industrial Development Area
  • DEV4 - Temuka North West Residential Development Area
  • Rezone request for growth
    • a short s42A report identifying information required for each rezone request will be released in July 2024;
    • submitters to provide required information by October 2024.

Relevant Planning Maps

Relevant  Definitions

11-14 February 2025

Hearing F

Other District-wide Matters


General District-Wide Matters

  • EW - Earthworks
  • LIGHT - Light
  • NOISE - Noise-SIGN - Signs
  • TEMP - Temporary activities
  • RELO - Relocated Buildings and Shipping Containers
  • SIGN - Signs
  • TREES - Notable Trees
  • VS - Versatile Soil


  • CNZ - Chorus NZ Ltd
  • ECAN - Canterbury Regional Council
  • KRH - KiwiRail Holdings Ltd
  • MEDU - Minister of Education
  • MJUS - Minister of Justice
  • MPOL - Minister of Police / NZ Police
  • MSNZ - Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited
  • NZTA - New Zealand Transport Agency
  • SPK – Spark New Zealand Trading Limited
  • TDC - Timaru District Council

Relevant Planning Maps

Relevant  Definitions

22-24 April 2025

Hearing G 

Variation 1

Place holder for  mandatory national directions which requires immediate implication

8-10 July 2025

Hearing H 

Variation 2

Place holder for potential Variation to rezone FDA1 & FDA2

2-4 Sep 2025

Hearing I 

Sweep Up


21-23 October 2025

Last updated: 03 Jul 2024