What information will you need?
For this calculation will need:
- The total area of your property is hectares.
- The total number of dwellings on your property.
Seadown water supply
Note this is not valid for Pareora Township or St Andrews Water Supply.
If You Do Not Have Your Property Area In Hectares, Convert Below.
1 Unit = 1000 Litres/day
Minimum Storage should be no less than 30,000 litres or 3 days worth of storage (whichever is greater).
Don't know your property's area in hectares? Convert here
The value converted will automatically fill in the original field.
Hectares (ha)
Manual Example
The new design allocation for a property is based on 65 litres per day pre hectare for stock, with an additional 1000 litres per dwelling per day. The following table is for a 15-hectare property with one dwelling.
15 hectares x 65 litres | 957 litres |
1 dwelling | 1,000 litres |
Total | 1,975 litres* |
*This would be rounded up to 2,000 litres (i.e. 2 units of water per day)
Note: 1/2 units are available between 1.0 unit and 3.0 units only.
Last updated: 20 Feb 2025