Seadown Water Supply

Water Supplies

In this section

Where does our water come from and is it safe?

We all expect to turn on our taps and get cool, clear water but do we know where it comes from?

Seadown's water comes from a shallow well in Mill Road near the Opihi River, it is treated with chlorine and ultraviolet light. UV kills bacteria and protozoa, the chlorine prevents contamination in the pipes.

The ultraviolet treatment plant is designed to meet the Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand

How does water get to our taps?

The Seadown water supply is predominantly a demand system although 0n-site storage is required for domestic use.

The Council supplies water into most troughs and every tank.

Since 1991, new domestic tanks have a restricted connection into the tank with the water flowing in at a constant rate unless the tank is full, once that happens the ballcock shuts off the flow.

Who looks after the water supply?

The Council is responsible for the management and operation of the water supply and uses contractors to carry out the maintenance work.

We are responsible for arranging maintenance of the entire system up to and including every trough and tank ballcock except when:

  • the ballcock is located inside a dwelling, it is then your responsibility, and
  • the ballcock is located higher than 6m above ground. When this happens we are not obliged to maintain the ballcock but we can assist if prior arrangements are made
  • the trough is fed from a tank on your property

Being a demand system means that when the Council needs to shut down a main for maintenance, you will not get any water into your tank or troughs.

The domestic storage connection should have 2 days supply, but stock may run out of water earlier.


Dry weather conditions may result in short supply because of low river levels and excessive use by consumers. When this happens hosing restrictions are put in place to help keep the demand for water down.

Restrictions are advertised in the newspaper and on our website

Need a new service connection?

Applications must be made to the Council for all new connections. The connections will only be approved if the water supply to existing consumers is not jeopardised.

No additional troughs are able to be connected via the demand system. These will be required to be fed from a storage tank.

All new, altered or upgraded connections are required to have:

  • 10,000 litres or three days allocation which ever is the greater, as the minimum on site storage requirement outside.
  • Approved external level indication of water in storage tanks.
  • Outlet piping arrangement from the storage tank such as a minimum of 20% of the tank volume be held in reserve.

Seadown Water Scheme Upgrade

To keep upto date with the Seadown scheme Upgrade visit the Seadown Water Scheme Upgrade Webpage


For any enquiries relating to the District's Water Supply please contact us:

  • Timaru District Council
    2 King George Place, Timaru 7910
    Phone: 03 687 7200
  • Temuka Service Centre
    King Street, Temuka 7920
    Phone: 03 687 7591
  • Geraldine Service Centre
    Talbot Street, Geraldine 7930
    Phone: 03 693 9336

Last updated: 13 Mar 2025