How we're managing stormwater


Our Stormwater Strategy

The 2018-2048 Stormwater Strategy is our commitment to effective and efficient stormwater management activities that balance economic vitality, desirable lifestyles and ecological health, specifically in the areas of::

  • Planning and regulation
  • Asset Management
  • Receiving Environment
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Education

Ths strategy sets goals for the 30 years that will ensure flood protection while maintaining water quality and aquatic habitat.

How we manage discharge of Stormwater

The discharge of stormwater into waterways is regulated by Environment Canterbury. Timaru District Council must have consent from Environment Canterbury to discharge into the waterways.

We are currently working on resource consents for the four urban catchment areas to allow for discharge into the waterways.

  • Geraldine Stormwater Management Plan (in progress)
  • Temuka Stormwater Management Plan (planned for 2022)
  • Timaru Stormwater Management Plan (planned for 2023)
  • Pleasant Point Stormwater Management Plan (planned for 2023)

Stormwater Services Consent

With any new development, you are responsible for ensuring stormwater discharge does not cause flooding to surrounding properties.

Any building activity such as raising the ground level, increasing the impermeable area or blocking an overland flow path could increase the amount of stormwater flowing onto a neighbour’s site.

You must obtain a services consent from the Council to ensure any work meets these conditions.

Services consent application form

An onsite stormwater management device may be required as part of the conditions of the consent. Refer to the section on On-site stormwater management devices for more detail.

It is illegal to intentionally direct stormwater onto a neighbouring property.

Overland Flow Paths and Flood Plains

Overland flow paths are routes that stormwater follows to flood plains during heavy storm events. A flood plain is an area next to a river or stream that is likely to flood during heavy storm events.

These flow paths are a vital component of drainage system, but often are blocked by solid fences, sheds, unsuitable plantings or even permanent buildings. This can cause secondary flooding around the flow path.

Land owners must not block these flow paths as it can lead to secondary flooding and damage around their property.

Last updated: 06 Dec 2024