Civil Defence relies heavily on volunteers.
Remember Civil Defence usually swings into action when the professional emergency services are unable to cope with the size of the event. Given that, it is up to trained volunteers to assist where they can. This could include organisations such as Red Cross, Salvation Army, Order of St John, service clubs and church groups. Some of these organisations perform specialised functions. For example, Red Cross has a national agreement to cloth people, and Salvation Army to feed people.
Civil Defence also trains its own volunteers. They are trained to work in all kinds of areas, from the "hands on" level, up to management. The work covers:
- operating report centres (Sector Posts)
- first aid
- emergency catering/clothing
- casualty handling
- maintaining communication links
- welfare reception centres
- rescue and evacuation
You can be involved
Many volunteers tell us Civil Defence is a great opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to their community, with a minimal time commitment
You may elect to be a community warden and learn how to operate a report centre (Sector Post), or welfare centre. In this case, your training commitment would be no more than 20 hours per year.
If you want to join the rescue team, be prepared to learn new skills from first aid and casualty handling, to rope rescue from heights. But be prepared to train every Monday night as well (wet or fine).
All volunteers are provided with the equipment needed to do the job and to keep them safe.
If you would like more information or want to get involved, talk to:
Civil Defence Manager
Telephone: (03) 687 7210
Or e-mail:
"A system to incorporate volunteers into the organised emergency management system is very important, since the professional personnel will always be overwhelmed at critical movements."
Mr K Sasayama, Mayor of Kobe, following the 1994 earthquake
Last updated: 24 Feb 2021