What supporting information do you need to furnish?

Information, sufficient to satisfy the Council that the proposed building work complies with the performance requirements of the Building Code, must be provided. If you are not familiar with the performance requirements of the Building Code you will more than likely require the services of a competent designer.

Council has a series of information sheets, application forms and information/processing sheets to assist you. The information sheets are background information to assist you, but you must furnish the appropriate application form(s) and checklist/processing sheets, some of which are project specific. The Form Selection Guidance will assist you as well as the following information.

Each time you make application you must provide:

Proof of Ownership: A Certificate of Title is required for all new buildings and additions. The Certificate of Title may hold information about the property (Interests) such as notices made under the Resource Management Act, easements or consent notices, which may affect your building project. The Certificate of Title is to be no more than three months old. If the Certificate of Title is not in your name you must also provide either:

  • An unconditional Sale and Purchase Agreement; or
  • If leasing the property, a copy of the Lease Agreement between yourself and the property owner; or
  • A copy of a Rates invoice (for minor internal building work only) may be accepted.
A copy of the PIM if you applied for one prior to your Building Consent.
Where applicable a copy of the Resource Consent previously obtained.

Two Sets of Specifications and Drawings including the following as appropriate to the project:

  • Site Plan drawn to scale and indicating all features/distances on site.
  • Foundation Plan - dimensioned - clearly indicating all details of layout and materials.
  • Plumbing and Drainage Proposed Layout Plan.
  • Detailed Floor Plans for each level of the building.
  • A detailed Elevation for each face of the building.
  • Detailed Cross Sections through difficult areas of the building showing all relevant construction details.
  • Framing Details.
  • Roof Truss Design - this is often provided from the truss manufacturer.
  • Construction Details - with all materials, fixings etc. noted.
  • Written Specifications - Specifications should further define the building work including details of all materials to be used, finished, and equipment to be installed. These MUST be relevant to the project.
  • Bracing Design - including calculations, schedule and layout plans.
  • Ground Conditions Report - This will be either a report to show why it is assumed that the ground is 'good ground' using Section 3 of NZS 3604:1999, or a specific ground assessment and foundation design by a suitably qualified and experienced engineer.
  • Engineers Details, Calculations and Producer Statement by Approved Producer Statement Provider - This will be required when any specific design has been carried out (eg steel beams).
  • Internal Waterproofing Details - including all wet areas and surface finishes.
  • Solid Fuel Heaters - Refer to separate Information Sheet, Application Form & Information/ Processing Sheet.
  • Sediment Control Management Plan - Site location will dictate whether this is required.
  • Alternative Solutions - If the proposal uses products or systems that are not covered in an Acceptable Solution of the Building Code, provide supporting current information including independent test results, case studies, expert opinion to demonstrate compliance, etc.
Further Information - For new projects most/all of the above will be required, however depending on the specifics of your project more information may be necessary. If required, the Timaru District Council may request further information to support that provided which helps to indicate compliance with the New Zealand Building Code.

Please consult the Council if you are undertaking a large project as the following items may also be required:

  • Accessibility Plan
  • Emergency Services Plan
  • Compliance Schedule for specified systems
  • Design reports for Fire Safety, Air-Conditioning, Mechanical Ventilation, etc