Published: 29 Jun 2018
Three public open days are being held around the district to help people identify heritage buildings, structures or places that need extra protection.
Timaru District Council is calling for the public to nominate any buildings, structures and places that have significant heritage value to the Timaru district. The purpose is to identify items of heritage significance that have not already been offered a level of protection in the District Plan.
The Council’s Heritage Consultant, Dr Ann McEwan, is leading the public open days in Geraldine, Temuka and Timaru, which will offer the opportunity to discuss making a nomination of a new heritage item, or to discuss the review of items on the current Heritage Schedule.
The events are taking place on:
- Geraldine Library Meeting Room – Monday, 9 July 2018, 3:30pm - 6:30pm
- Temuka Library Meeting Room – Tuesday, 10 July 2018, 3:30pm - 6:30pm
- Timaru District Council Chambers – Wednesday, 11 July 2018, 11am – 1pm & 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Mark Geddes, Timaru District Council District Planning Manager said that the process allows for the protections of our historic heritage.
“This doesn’t just mean old buildings, any building structure of place that meets the criteria to be of heritage value can be considered for more protection under the district plan.
“The items currently listed on the schedule include school buildings, pa sites, and even a railway signal box.
“As part of the district plan process we are casting the net out again to see if there are any items missing from our schedule that people feel should be given an extra layer of protection.
“Having heritage protection for a building or site comes with restrictions, but it also enables you to access a range of services and funding streams to help you preserve and protect it.”
The definition of significant is judged against a set of criteria set out by the Regional Policy Statement. This can range from something being of historical or architectural value, to having been part of the cultural heritage of the district.
Last updated: 24 Feb 2021