Published: 04 May 2015
Public Notice of Decision on Private Plan Change No.20 under the Resource Management Act 1991
The Timaru District Council gives public notice that it has made decisions on submissions in respect of Private Plan Change No.20 (PC20) to the Timaru District Plan. The plan change has been requested by Mr. Chris McKnight, and proposes to rezone land located at Brookfield Road, Brookfield, Timaru, from Rural 1 Zone to a new zone called ‘Rural Residential (Brookfield Road) Zone’.
A copy of the decision can be inspected or purchased during normal office hours at the:
- Geraldine Library and Service Centre, 78 - 82 Talbot Street, Geraldine;
- Customer Services Reception, Timaru District Council, 2 King George Place, Timaru;
- Timaru Library, 56 Sophia Street, Timaru;
- Temuka Library and Service Centre, 72-74 King Street, Temuka;
The decision is also available on our Plan Change status page.
A copy of the notice of the decision has been served on every person who made a valid submission or further submission on PC20. Any person who made a submission and/or further submission may appeal the decisions of the Council. Any appeal must be in the prescribed form and lodged with the Environment
Court within 30 working days of service of the notice of Council’s decision. The appellant must serve a copy of the notice in the prescribed manner.
Last updated: 24 Feb 2021