Published: 28 Jan 2020
- Consultation Background Information (PDF, 5MB)
A big thank-you to everyone who came down to the public open house last Friday, we had over 70 people through the door and received lots of good feedback and ideas for the design team to consider. For those of you who didn’t make it down you can download the consultation posters below and provide your feedback via this link:
The posters include:
- A site context map,
- Options for different activity programs in different parts of the site,
- Existing aerial photograph,
- Preliminary concept plan.
- Character images showing other potential elements and features.
We are keen to hear from as many people in the community as possible so please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to take an look. The survey will be open until 7th of February, after this the design team will analyse the community feedback and use this to guide a refined a concept plan for the Highfield Recreation Area site.
There will be another community open house held later this summer to review the refined plans, dates for this will be confirmed in the next few weeks.
If you have any questions or feedback that is not covered in the survey please email:
Last updated: 24 Feb 2021