Elections 2019 - Results

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Results can be found below for the:

  • Timaru District Council
  • South Canterbury District Health Board
  • Geraldine Licensing Trust

Timaru District Council

Final Result

The final result for the Timaru District Council elections held on Saturday 12 October 2019 is as follows:


(one elected)

Candidate Votes Received
BOWEN, Nigel8,759
HANDY, Gordon4,982
ANNEAR, Janie4,092
WILSON, Shane327
MOHOAO, Kari (AJ)190
Informal 32
Blank 241

Nigel BOWEN is declared elected.

Geraldine Ward - Councillor

(one elected)

CandidateVotes Received
OLIVER, Gavin1,298
STEVENS, Kerry818
SIMPSON, McGregor276
Informal 2

Gavin OLIVER is declared elected.

Pleasant Point - Temuka Ward - Councillor

(two elected)

CandidateVotes Received
O'REILLY, Paddy2,269
LYON, Richard2,064
SCARSBROOK, Charles1,445
Informal 1
Blank 99

RIchard LYON and Paddy O’REILLY are declared elected.

Timaru Ward - Councillor

(six elected)

CandidateVotes Received
BOWEN, Nigel (Withdrawn)*9,264
WILLS, Steve7,526
PARKER, Sally5,601
BURT, Peter4,987
GILCHRIST, Barbara4,714
BOOTH, Allan4,170
JACK, Dave3,583
PERRY, Hugh3,412
RONALD, Ash3,113
BOORER, Michael3,104
BRIEN, Anthony2,830
JACKSON, Stu2,793
NEWLOVE, Joshua2,386
TE RAKI, Karl2,128
ANDERSON, Jock1,460
Informal 62
Blank 136

(*Section 88 of the Local Electoral Act provides that if a person is declared to be elected as the Mayor of the council, and that person is also declared to be elected as a member of a Council, that person must be treated as having vacated office as a member of the Council).

Allan BOOTH, Peter BURT, Barbara GILCHRIST, Sally PARKER, Stu PIDDINGTON and Steve WILLS are declared elected.

Geraldine Community Board - Member

(six elected)

CandidateVotes Received
OLIVER, Gavin (withdrawn)*1,801
ADAMS, Janene1,627
O'DONNELL, Wayne1,450
FINLAYSON, Jan Roanna1,145
MAGUIRE, Jennine1,117
RANKIN, Natasha1,094
SIMPSON, McGregor945
TAYLOR, Rhys935
JENSEN, John846
Informal 1
Blank 25

(*Section 88A of the Local Electoral Act provides that if a person is declared to be elected as a member of the council, and that person is also declared to be elected as a member of a community board, that person must be treated as having vacated office as a member of the community board).

Janene ADAMS, Jan Roanna FINLAYSON, Jennine MAGUIRE, Wayne O'DONNELL, Natasha RANKIN and McGregor SIMPSON are declared elected.

Pleasant Point Community Board - Member

(five elected)

CandidateVotes Received
HESSELL, Raewyn Jean790
LEMMENS, Anne710
MUNRO, Ross684
GOULD, Neville631
CROSS, John554
Informal 0
Blank 56

Neville GOULD, Raewyn Jean HESSELL, Anne LEMMENS, John MCDONALD and Ross MUNRO are declared elected.

Temuka Community Board - Member

(five elected)

CandidateVotes Received
TALBOT, Alison (Ali)1,516
SCARSBROOK, Charles1,502
MCMILLAN, Lloyd1,300
MCCULLOUGH, Stephanie1,182
BROKER, Gaye1,135
ROSS, Annie908
GUTHRIE, Lorraine788
Informal 7
Blank 49

Gaye BROKER, Stephanie MCCULLOUGH, Lloyd MCMILLAN, Charles SCARSBROOK and Alison (Ali) TALBOT are declared elected.

The voter return was 55.06%, being 18,446 voting papers.

South Canterbury District Health Board

Final Result

The final result for the election of seven members of the South Canterbury District Health Board held on Saturday 12 October 2019 is as follows.

(7 vacancies)

GOODHEW, Joelected
BINNS, Peterelected
SMALL, Bruceelected
LUXTON, Ronelected
ANNEAR, Paulelected
CRAWFORD, Reneelected
DE JOUX, Raeleenelected
GILCHRIST, Barbaraexcluded
HARREX, Sueexcluded
CALLANDER, Samexcluded
BOORER, Michaelexcluded
LIGTENBERG, Gerrieexcluded
MOHOAO, Kari (AJ)excluded

Paul ANNEAR, Peter BINNS, Rene CRAWFORD, Raeleen DE JOUX, Jo GOODHEW, Ron LUXTON and Bruce SMALL are declared elected.

The final absolute majority of votes (final quota) as determined at the last iteration was 2,480.28. There were 851 informal votes and 1,079 blank votes.

Geraldine Licensing Trust

The Geraldine Licensing Trust elections were held on Saturday 12 October 2019 and the following candidates elected unopposed:

Dan CUMMINGS, Alister FRANCE, Johanna HEWSON, McGregor SIMPSON and Rosie WOODS

Mark Low
Electoral Officer

Timaru District Council
Geraldine Licensing Trust
South Canterbury District Health Board

19 October 2019

Last updated: 24 Feb 2021