Departmental Processing Times over Christmas / New Year

Latest News & Media Releases

Published: 12 Nov 2015

Processing times may be delayed for the following departments over the Christmas / New Year period. Please check back regularly as more departments may be added.


A reminder for those submitting Building Consent applications between November and January.

In accordance with Section 48 of the Building Act, Council has 20 working days to grant or refuse a building consent application. However, the period from 19th December to the 9th January every year is not classified as working days under the Building Act 2004.

Timaru District Council Offices will be closed from 3pm Thursday December 24 until 8:30am Tuesday January 5. Therefore any building consent applications submitted after 17th November 2015 will be affected.

After hours inspections during this time will only be available for emergency situations, or if pre-arranged with the Building Unit.

Liquor Licensing

The District Licensing Committee will not be functioning as a licensing committee between the dates of 20 December 2015 to 15 January 2016. This is particularly important to applicants seeking a special licence or some other licensing service, which requires 20 working days notice. The period over which the committee is not functioning cannot be part of the mandatory 20 day notice period for applications.

Last updated: 24 Feb 2021