Published: 31 Mar 2017
Timaru District Council has released its draft blueprint for the management of land use growth in the district over the next 30 years, and is looking for residents’ input.
The Draft Growth Management Strategy, published today by the Council, is a strategy to sustainably manage growth in residential, commercial and industrial activities in the district’s main towns.
Timaru District Planning Manager, Mark Geddes, says that that it is a broad strategy that will help guide where and how much zoned land is provided by the District Plan review.
“The plan will also guide the density of development in existing zoned area and inform the provision of infrastructure that will be funded by the long term plan,” he added.
“The purpose of the GMS is to provide a 30 year plan to respond to the growth pressures and changing demographics and ensure we continue to be economically, environmentally and socially successful.
“Our overall aim is to have a district where land use and growth is sustainably managed to ensure a fantastic lifestyle, thriving economy and strong identity.”
Issues identified in the initial consultation around the GMS included things such as housing, council funding, town centre vitality and access to green spaces.
The GMS has been under development since May 2015 and is a key part of the Council’s District Plan Review, and the draft is now open to public consultation before it is finally adopted.
“While we have this draft ready, it’s missing one thing, the views of the community,” said Mark.
“That’s why we’re putting all the information on line to allow people to read and comment on it as well as having drop in sessions where you can talk to us about the strategy and have your say in how the district develops in the future.
“This is a document that will help guide us for the next thirty years, so it’s important that as many people as possible have their say.”
The draft GMS has been endorsed by Environment Canterbury, the Geraldine, Pleasant Point and Temuka Community Boards and the South Canterbury District Health Board.
You can access the documents here.
We will be holding our open meetings in Geraldine on 1 May and Timaru on 4 May where you can ask us any questions regarding the strategy.
People have until 12 May to make their submissions.
Last updated: 24 Feb 2021