Smokefree Policy


1.0    Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to outline the Council’s position towards a Smokefree New Zealand

2.0    Background

The Smokefree Environments Act 1990 placed restrictions on smoking in workplaces, public transport and certain other public places, and restricted smoking in cafes, restaurants and casinos.

In March 2011, the government committed to the goal of supporting New Zealand to become a smokefree nation by 2025. This commitment provides a strong strategic direction for local authorities and other organisations working towards smokefree outcomes.

Section 23 of the Health Act 1956 also states that it is the duty of every council to improve, promote and protect public health within its district.

This Smokefree policy is part of Council’s response to this legislative and government policy direction and is about encouraging people to refrain from smoking in public spaces, Council-owned facilities and public outdoor areas.  Compliance with the policy is voluntary and it will not be enforced by Council staff.

The policy also contributes to the following Community Outcomes stated in Council’s Long Term Plan:

  • People enjoying a high quality of life
  • A valued, health and accessible environment

3.0    Key Definitions

Public Outdoor Areas refers to Council controlled playgrounds, public sports grounds and facilities specifically listed in this policy.

Council controlled means either owned by Council or Council has legislative responsibility for the facility.

Educational Approach means encouragement by means of educational signage rather than enforcement.

4.0    Policy

  1. Timaru District Council endorses the goal of Smokefree Aotearoa 2025.
  2. Council supports the concept of Smokefree Aotearoa and smokefree public areas
  3. Council will work collaboratively with all stakeholders towards Smokefree Aotearoa.
  4. Council will encourage the public to refrain from smoking in the following Council controlled public outdoor areas:
    • playgrounds
    • sportsgrounds & associated facilities
    • Caroline Bay
    • Bus Shelters
    • Areas set up for cafĂ© or dining purposes (where associated with Council-owned facilities or road reserve)
  5. Smokefree signage will be displayed where it is determined to be most effective, to discourage smoking in these areas. Other information will be displayed or developed where appropriate (e.g. website).
  6. Appropriate placement and funding for signage will be established with local stakeholders (e.g. Community and Public Health).
  7. Council-owned events will be run and promoted as smokefree events.
  8. Council supported or funded events will be required to meet smokefree criteria in funding applications before funding will be granted.
  9. Council’s social housing stock will be smokefree.
  10. Council will take an educational rather than enforcement approach to the implementation of this policy.

Adopted Policy & Development Committee 18 July 2017

Last updated: 24 Feb 2021