1.0 Purpose
To outline who is eligible and how requests for inclusion in the Timaru District Hall of Fame will be considered and selected.
2.0 Background
The South Canterbury Hall of Fame was established in March 1996 as a way of recognising high achieving South Cantabrians, in a public way. The Hall of Fame is located in the upstairs entrance foyer of the Civic Building on George Street, Timaru.
This process contributes to the District vision of Lifestyle, Economy, Identity and Leadership, particularly the Identity element.
Any person born in South Canterbury, or who has resided in South Canterbury for a significant portion of their life, may be considered for the Hall of Fame.
Nomination is by way of written communication with the Timaru District Council and should include as much relevant background detail about the person being nominated, to allow sufficient additional research to be conducted by the Advisory Committee.
3.0 Key Definitions
- Hall of Fame.
4.0 Policy
It has been agreed by Council that the following 3 categories will be available for nomination and they will include:
- Persons of Prominent International Standing;
- International Sportspersons or Administrators; and
- Nationally Recognised Notable New Zealanders.
Nominations can be made by any member of the public and should be directed to the Timaru District Council in the first instance, for research by the Advisory Committee. The nomination should include nominee or next of kin details. A member of the Advisory Committee will confirm with the nominee or next of kin, that they are comfortable with the potential inclusion into the Hall of Fame if successful. The Advisory Committee will research candidates and make recommendations to the Selection Committee.
The Advisory Committee is made up of Timaru District Council staff, determined by the Chief Executive, to have the appropriate skill set to undertake the task.
The Selection Committee will then consider the recommendation and determine if a candidate will be included in the Hall of Fame. The Selection Committee will be made up of the following;
- Mayor
- Deputy Mayor
- Chairperson Community Development Committee
- President South Canterbury Historical Society.
If successful, the nominator and the candidate, or their family, will be advised and the Hall of Fame Guidelines for inclusion will be followed.
Any information relating to the nomination will be held and captured in the Record Management system at the Timaru District Council, by the staff member responsible for the administration of the Hall of Fame process.
Adopted by Community Development Committee 13 October 2015
Last updated: 24 Feb 2021