Sewer Fees

Fees & charges

Please note, all charges are GST inclusive unless indicated otherwise.

Services Consents - Connection/Disconnection - all locations

Description2024/25 (GST incl.)
Application Fee $650.00
Inspection / Re-inspection fee for non-compliant works or missing information (per inspection) $350.00
Charge for works that are not remedied after non-compliant inspectionMonthly Fee per site - $250.00

Connection / Disconnection (Physical Works)

Description2024/25 (GST incl.)
All pipe sizes and manholes - all locations Actual Cost

Trade Waste Charges

Description2024/25 (GST incl.)
Fixed costs - per cubic metre of consented median discharge volume per day $0.98
Variable costs - per cubic metre of discharge (invoiced after 1 July irrespective of time period covered) $0.17
Inspection (per visit) $350.00 + actual costs (e.g. lab fees) + 10% admin

Special Liquid Waste Charges

Description2024/25 (GST incl.)
Disposal charge (per cubic metre) $15.70
Additional charge for high solids content (per cubic metre) - Dependant on solids content - Minimum charge 1 cubic metre.
Solid waste requiring landfill disposal (per tonne) $450.00
 ($200.00 minimum charge)
Permitted connection* annual charge
*Permitted connection being a trade waste permit holder that is not metered or subject to an individual Agreement
$1, 000.00

Last updated: 02 Jul 2024