Land Transport Fees

Fees & charges

Please note, all charges are GST inclusive unless indicated otherwise.

Description 2024/25 (GST incl.)
Services Consents (Connection/Disconnections to Public Infrastructure) 
Application fee $650.00
Vehicle crossing – application feeRefer to CAR fees below
Occupation of Road reserve (Installation of private services) 
Application fee$350.00
Amendment Fee $175.00
Road Occupation Inspection Fee $175.00
Private Bridge / Stock Underpass structural Inspection Fee$800.00
Corridor Access Request (CAR) - Application Fees  
Works within footpaths/berms:  
Type FB1 (Minor) Up to 6 square metres and/or 20 lineal metres
Type FB2 (Major) Greater than 6 square metres and/or 20 lineal metres, but less than 10
square metres and/or 100 lineal metres
Works within road carriageway (formed road):  
Type C1 (Minor) Up to 2 square metres and/or 5 lineal metres
Type C2 (Major) Greater than 2 square metres and/or 5 lineal metres, but less than 10 square
metres and/or 15 lineal metres
Project Work - Areas greater than the above category typesAt cost
All Infrastructure Consents / CAR's 
Working in Road Reserve without an approved Corridor Access Request$1000.00
Working in Road Reserve without an approved Corridor Access Request$1000.00
CAR and/or Temporary Traffic Management time extension fee$250.00
Reinspection Fees for non-compliant works or missing information$350.00
Charge for works that are not remedied after non compliant inspection - monthly fee per site (CAR)$250.00
Temporary Traffic Management Audit feesActual cost + 15%
Overweight and Overdimension Permit Fees 
Permit fees are in accordance with Waka Kotahi - vehicle dimensional and mass permitting manual (volume 1). As pre NZTA (Waka Kotahi) fees
Additional costs can be charged for application with less than 3 days notice.Actual Cost
Additional costs for investigation into feasibility of crossing bridges within proposed route  Actual Cost
Any work to facilitate the movement of an overweight or overdimension vehicle (ie signs / bridge engineering supervision)Actual Cost
Road Closures 
Community Events - Advertising and Traffic Management CostsNo Charge
Commercial / Industrial - Advertising and Traffic Management CostActual Cost

Latter Street Car Park

Description2024/25 (GST incl.)
Clamping release fee for unauthorised vehicles$90.00

Last updated: 01 Jul 2024