Infrastructure Administration Fees

Fees & charges

Please note, all charges are GST inclusive unless indicated otherwise.

Description2024/25 (GST incl.)
Services Consents (Connection/Disconnections to Public Infrastructure) 
Application Fee$650.00
Amendment Fee$325.00
Retrospective Approval Fee (additional to application fee)$325.00
Inspection / Re-inspection Fee for non-compliant works or missing information (per inspection)$350.00
Charge for works that are non-remedied after non-compliant inspectionMonthly Fee per site $250.00
Bond Application Fee$800.00
Request for Time Extension (for other than minor changes)$200.00
Acceptance of Engineering Design (for new assets to be vested to Council)Actual Cost
Occupation of Road Reserve (Installation of Private Services)
Application Fee$350.00
Amendment Fee$175.00
Charge Rates (staff time rate)
Group Manager$350.00 per hour
Unit Manager$250.00 per hour
Senior Engineer$200.00 per hour
Engineer/Technician$180.00 per hour
Infrastructure Planner$200.00 per hour
Administration Staff$100.00 per hour

Last updated: 01 Jul 2024