South Beach Coastal Track

Walking & Off-road Cycling

Locality Timaru South, Map No. 10, Time 20 minutes

Start at the Patiti Point car park. This wide, well made track has been formed on the edge of a shingle beach. It follows the coast line north towards Timaru harbour. It is an easy short walk which currently finishes at Stuart street. This track is good for cycling.

The sea on one side and the occasional surfer provide visual interest. Native planting will provide cover from the large storage shed on one side.

This walk can be an extension to the Patiti Point walk. It is also possible to continue north towards the eastern extension of the breakwater protection for the harbour. Fishing boats, shipping and yachts can usually be seen.


  • Interesting round stones on the beach
  • Wild rolling surf
  • Birds include- banded dotterels, South Island pied oyster catcher, white fronted terns

Last updated: 16 Sep 2021