The Fund
The aim of the Significant Natural Areas (SNA) Fund is to
- assist and actively encourage landowners and members of the Timaru District community to manage, protect and enhance significant natural areas; and
- enable Council to take an active role in managing, protecting and enhancing significant natural areas.
The SNA fund is one method the Timaru District Plan uses to comply with Council’s statutory obligation under the Resource Management Act 1991 to protect significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna.
The Significant Natural Areas Fund has two categories:
- Category One: Landowner and Community Projects ($30,000 per annum)
- Category Two: Council Initiated Projects ($70,000 per annum)
Category One
Projects under this category are those that are initiated by landowners and community groups. It is a contestable fund and each application will be assessed on its merits on a case-by-case basis. Funding is only available for projects taking place on land within the boundaries of the Timaru District Council. Landowners are generally required to contribute a minimum of 50% towards the total cost of the project, with the maximum grant allocated under the scheme being $10,000 (excl GST) per project. There is no minimum grant amount. SNA Fund applications under this category must fall into one of the following Types to be eligible for funding:
- Fencing Projects - Fencing off and permanently protecting significant natural areas.
- Weed/Pest Control Projects – Weed and pest management in and around Significant Natural Areas.
- Enhancement Projects – Replanting and restoration of significant natural areas to enhance their ecological and habitat values.
- Covenanting Projects – Providing a legal covenant that permanently protects a Significant Natural Area.
SNA Fund applications under this category are considered in the context of the criteria contained within the document titled ‘Significant Natural Areas Fund Criteria and Application Guidelines’.
Apply to the SNAF under Category One
Although funding for the 2023/24 financial year closed on 16th July 2023, if you have a SNA restoration project in mind, please send through an application. Your application may be considered for late funding, or differed to the next financial year.
Note: to apply, please complete this form
Category Two
Projects under this category are initiated by Council in and around priority Significant Natural Areas. Projects in each year are recommended by the Biodiversity Steering Group, which was collaboratively formed with members from local landowners with SNAs, Fish and Game, Forest and Bird, Department of Conservation, and Timaru District Council staff. Projects under this category must fall into one of the following types to be eligible for funding:
- Work Projects – projects that carry out physical works to protect, manage and enhance indigenous biodiversity values in or around priority Significant Natural Areas.
- Education and Support Projects – projects that aim to raise community and landowner’s awareness of the significance and values of significant natural areas, as well as educating, supporting and encouraging landowners to protect and enhance Significant Natural Areas within their land.
SNA Fund projects under this category are considered in the context of the criteria contained within the document titled ‘Significant Natural Areas Fund Criteria and Application Guidelines’.
In the 2020/21 financial year, funding has been allocated on weed control projects in a number of limestone SNAs. The programme is currently underway and is to be completed by June 2021.
Person | Method | Contact details |
Duty Planner | Phone | 03 687 7271 | |
Significant Natural Areas Brochure
- Significant Natural Areas Brochure January 2025 (pdf, 1.5 MB updated 10-Feb-2025)
- Significant Natural Areas Brochure August 2023 (pdf, 1.2 MB updated 17-Jul-2023)
- Significant Natural Areas Brochure July 2022 (pdf, 1.2 MB updated 17-Jul-2023)
- Significant Natural Areas Brochure September 2021 (pdf, 968.4 KB updated 15-Oct-2021)
- Significant Natural Areas Brochure Spring 2020 (pdf, 1.1 MB updated 15-Oct-2021)
- Significant Natural Areas Brochure February 2020 (pdf, 2.4 MB updated 15-Oct-2021)
Last updated: 17 Jul 2023