Building Control Services Fees

Fees & charges

Please note, all charges are GST inclusive unless indicated otherwise.

Building Control Services – Administration/Lodging Fee

Work with a value of less than $30,000$348.00
Work with a value of between $30,001 and $140,000$435.00
Works with a value of between $140,001 and $700,000$522.00
Work with a value of more than $700,000$783.00
Certificate of Acceptance$261.00

Other Minor Applications

(total fee to be invoiced when granted)
Solid and Liquid Fuel Heating Appliances- min charge, subject to additional tech processing and/or inspection$547.00
Solid Fuel Heater (insert/inbuilt 2 inspections required) – min charge, subject to additional tech processing and /or inspection$777.00
Marquees – min charge, subject to additional tech processing and /or inspection$547.00
Demolition (Residential Only) – min charge, subject to additional tech processing and/or inspection$547.00
Solar Hot Water Systems – min charge, subject to additional tech processing and/or inspection$547.00

Project Information Memorandum (PIM)

PIM Application $547.00
Existing PIM Assessment (if applicable to new building consent application)$202.00

Building Consents / Amendments

Advice Notes (Minor)$202.00
Advice Notes (All other work)$547.00
Technical Processing (per half hour or part thereof)$115.00
Full Inspection$230.00
Waivers & Modifications (technical processing hourly rate or part thereof – min charge ½ hr) By Invoice
Minor Variation (technical processing hourly rate or part thereof – min charge ½ hr)By Invoice
Amendment (technical processing hourly rate or part thereof – min charge ½ hr)By Invoice
Fire & Emergency NZ Service Section 46 Notice (plus all NZFS charges)$185.00
Printing of a full building consent or additional copies (other than minor consents)By Invoice

Exempt Building Work

(building work not requiring consent)
Exempt Building Work Notification$174.00
Exempt Building Work (Discretionary - technical processing ½ hr rate or part thereof – min charge ½ hr)By Invoice

Compliance Schedules and Warrants of Fitness (WOFs)

Compliance Schedules (Issue & Register)$432.00
Amended and Provision of Existing Compliance Schedules$174.00
Compliance Schedule (one specified system only)$174.00
Receiving Building Warrant of Fitness$174.00
Audit of Building Warrant of Fitness$432.00
Re-Inspection following non-compliance$230.00

Certificates of Acceptance

Technical Process (technical processing ½ hr rate or part thereof – min charge ½ hr)By Invoice

Other Building Charges

Notice to Fix - Administration (plus full inspection charge per inspection)$777.00
Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Building (technical processing ½ hr rate or part thereof+ Inspections + Consultant + 10%)By Invoice
Certificate under Sale and Supply of Liquor Act 2012 (plus all inspections and other action necessary to confirm compliance)$115.00
Extension of Time (Building Consent EOT new start or completion date)$202.00
Non - consent Inspections$230.00
Section 73 Notice (Building on land subject to natural hazards)$777.00
Section 77 Notice (Building on two or more allotments)$777.00
Section 83 (removal of section 77 notice)$202.00
Building Records Update - Technical Check and Administration $317.00
Change of Use/Extension of Life/Subdivision of Building (assessment and record) (per ½ hr or part thereof)$174.00
Certificate for Public Use (technical check, administration, plus relevant inspections at full inspection rate)
Note: Cost of any subsequent CPU application = previous charge x 2.
Certificate of Title search fee$30.00
Building File Request (fee $ x number of parcels)$87.00
Administration fee (per half hour or part thereof)$87.00
BCA Accreditation fee (minor building consent applications)$10.00
BCA Accreditation fee (all other building consent applications)$50.00

Printing Building Consents

This charge does not apply to Minor applications

(GST inclusive)
Printing /photocopying of a full Building Consent or additional copies (other than minor consents)By Invoice
USB Drive$30.00
Building Consent Statistics monthly report (fee per month)$87.00
BCA Accreditation levy (minor building consent applications)$10.00
BCA Accreditation levy (all other building consent applications)$50.00
Charging for other printing requirements or requests will be at the discretion of the Building Control Manager  
PhotocopyingBy Invoice

Amusement Device Fees

For 2024/2025
One device, for the first seven days of proposed operation or part thereof$11.50
Each additional device operated by the same owner, for the first seven days or part thereof$2.30
Each device, for each further period of seven days or part thereof$1.15

Amusement device fees are set by legislation.

IQP Processing

(Fees set by the South Island IQP Panel)

Per feature / specified system$23.00
Annual Renewals$138.00

Fencing of Residential Swimming Pools

Registration of Swimming Pool$317.00
Administration (per half hour)$87.00
Pool safety audit (3 yearly inspection)$202.00
Re-inspection follow-up (resulting from pool safety audit)$230.00

Earthquake Prone Buildings

Registration and maintenance of Earthquake Prone Building Register (per building)$404.00
If technical assessments or reviews are required in addition to the above registration fee, time will be charged at a technical rate per half hour or part thereof$115.00

Contractors and Consultants

Due to the nature of some applications or the incorporation of specialist services the Council may, at its discretion, refer these applications to consultants for checking. The fees and charges incurred will be additional to the fees identified on this scheduleAt Cost


  • Certain charges remain applicable if an application/consent is refused, withdrawn or cancelled.
  • The Building Control Manager has delegated authority to use discretion as required for any of the fees within this list or any other fee or charge relating to Building Control Services.

Last updated: 02 Jul 2024