Heritage Steering Group Nomination

District Plan Review Consultation

Consultation on this matter closed on 20 June 2018

Click here to view all current and completed District Plan Review consultation undertaken to date.

The District Plan manages all land use and subdivision activities in the District, controlling what land use activities are allowed and where. A review of the Timaru District Plan has commenced and is an opportunity to reconsider everything in the District Plan including heritage.

Timaru foreshore

Heritage Steering Group

Timaru district is fortunate to have much Historic heritage, found in buildings, places and monuments.  It is important to protect these resources to safeguard them for the benefit of today and the future.  It is also important to involve local experts and people who value our heritage in the decision making on how to protect these assets.  For that reason, a Heritage Steering Group is being established, to consider what items, and how items will be protected in the Plan.

To assist in the vetting of nominations of Historic heritage items, for inclusion in the Plan, we are calling for people to serve on the Heritage Steering Group to make recommendations to Council’s Environmental Services Committee, on what buildings and places are listed in the District Plan and what provisions should apply in relation to historic heritage.

Expressions of interest for Heritage Steering Group

Do you have knowledge of our district’s heritage, or experience working with heritage?  If so we require local expertise.  We are calling for people to serve on the Heritage Steering Group to make recommendations to Council’s Environmental Services Committee, on what buildings and places are listed in the District Plan and what provisions should apply in relation to historic heritage.

Your expertise

  • You could be a member of a local, heritage, conservation group, or a member of the community with a known interest in heritage.
  • You could be a developer with an interest in heritage protection.
  • You could be an architect with a passion for heritage protection.

The Steering Group will report to the Environmental Services Committee, and the members will be chosen by the Committee.  Members will be volunteers, who will make an important contribution to the management of our heritage.

More Information

Cover letter explaining your interest and relevant experience should be submitted, before 20 June 2018 to Alex Wakefield, Senior Planner at Timaru District Council, by email: alex.wakefield@timdc.govt.nz

Last updated: 24 Feb 2021