Annual Plan 2020/21 Consultation Form

Please fill in the fields below with your contact details and information about your submission. Please note submissions are public information as it is part of the Council’s decision-making process. Your name and contact details will be included in reports that are available to the media and public.

Your details

Your Feedback

Do you wish to speak to Council about your submission at the Hearing on 23 June 2020
Do you support Option 1, Council's proposal to use reserves and savings of $3 million to the total rates increase to 2% and repay these funds in future years? Or do you prefer option 2, where Council doesn't use reserves and savings to lower the total rates increase?
Stimulus Fund: How do you think this fund could be used to aid the Timaru Distict's recovery, and what are your views on the proposed principles for the fund?
Do you have any other feedback on our draft Annual Plan 2020/21?
Attach a document to support your submission (max 2mb, .pdf or .docx)