29 May 2024
Notice of By-elections
Geraldine Community Board & Geraldine Licensing Trust
By-elections are required to fill extraordinary vacancies on both the Geraldine Community Board and the Geraldine Licensing Trust. The vacancies have arisen from the recent resignation of Mr McGregor Simpson from both organisations.
Nominations for the above positions open on Thursday 30 May 2024 and must be made on the official nomination forms. Copies of the nomination forms and information sheets for both positions can be requested from the Geraldine Service Centre, 78 Talbot Street, Geraldine, the Timaru District Council office, 2 King George Place, Timaru or downloaded from www.timaru.govt.nz.
Completed nomination documents must be received by the electoral officer no later than noon on Thursday 27 June 2024. Each nomination must be accompanied by a deposit of $200 incl GST, payable by cash, eftpos or online banking (see nomination form for requirements).
Candidates are encouraged to also submit a candidate profile statement and recent photograph. The requirements for the profile statement and photo are set out in the information sheet. All nomination documents must be lodged together. Candidates should refer to the information sheet for further details.
Electoral rolls
A preliminary roll for the by-elections can be inspected during normal office hours from Thursday 30 May to Thursday 27 June 2024 at the Geraldine Service Centre, 78 Talbot Street, Geraldine or the Timaru District Council office, 2 King George Place, Timaru.
Electors can enrol or amend their enrolment details on the residential electoral roll by contacting the Electoral Commission:
- Online at www.vote.nz
- By texting your name and address to 3676 to get a form sent to you
- By calling 0800 36 76 56 to ask for a form to be sent to you
- By email request to enquiries@elections.govt.nz
Updates to the preliminary electoral roll close at 5pm on Thursday 27 June 2024.
Applications for registration as a ratepayer elector are to be made on the non-resident ratepayer elector enrolment form available from the Timaru District Council office or from the council’s website and must be returned to the electoral officer before 5pm on Thursday 27 June 2024.
Election Details
If a voting process is required to fill either vacancy, it will be conducted by postal voting using the First Past the Post (FPP) electoral system. Candidate names will be listed in random order on the voting papers. The voting papers will be mailed out to electors on Thursday 1 August and voting will close at midday on Friday 23 August 2024.
Anthony Morton
Electoral Officer
PO Box 3138, Christchurch 8140
iro@electionz.com 0800 666 048 www.timaru.govt.nz