01 Jun 2023
Livestream from 6pm at:
Timaru District is beginning to take action in response to the challenges of climate change.
A public information event on Wednesday 21 September from 6pm at Caroline Bay will set the scene, with concise expert contributions from some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading climate scientists. It will also be webcast live on Zoom and a recording made available later online.
University of Wellington professors James Renwick and Tim Naish will summarise changes in atmosphere and oceans, and University of Canterbury professor Bronwyn Hayward key impacts on society and politics.
Peter Cochrane will summarise the Canterbury Climate Change Risk Assessment, commissioned by the Canterbury Mayoral Forum and Timaru District Council’s Mayor will outline the Council’s existing strategic commitments, including the endorsement of a suite of Governance Principles and the engagement of a Climate Change Advisor.
Anxiety in the face of human-accelerated climate change is widespread, especially among young people. Psychotherapist James Driver will share some insights how such anxiety can be managed.
Rhys Taylor, Climate Change Advisor, at Timaru District Council said that everyone can take immediate action through social and business connections whilst central and local government gear-up for structural changes.
“At the event on 21 September, with space for 200, we are providing a platform for local news on positive actions for climate being taken by some larger and smaller businesses across South Canterbury,” he said.
“The event also highlights key insights from young people, farmers and social welfare agencies. It is a lot to cover but should be a fascinating evening, laying the foundation to guide our further work.”
Advance bookings can be made online through www.timaru.govt.nz/climatechange or by calling the Council office on 036877200.
There will be follow up participation at action-focused events, for up to 50 at time, starting on Wednesday evening October 26 and repeated on Saturday 29 afternoon.