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Have your say on play
20 Jul 2023
Have your say on play
We want your feedback on how to encourage more play, active recreation and sport in the district.
Councilcast Ep12: Building a new future for the Theatre Royal
12 Jul 2023
Councilcast Ep12: Building a new future for the Theatre Royal
How do you go about building a centre for a new museum, and how do you integrate that with a 100 year old theatre? We spoke to the project manager to find out!
Friday Stream Club: Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
07 Jul 2023
Friday Stream Club: Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Something interesting to stream this weekend
Friday Stream Club: Rising from ashes
30 Jun 2023
Friday Stream Club: Rising from ashes
Something to stream free this weekend from Timaru District Libraries
Setting the Stage - June 2023
28 Jun 2023
Setting the Stage - June 2023
Building a new home for culture in South Canterbury
Councilcast Ep 11: Building a new museum
14 Jun 2023
Councilcast Ep 11: Building a new museum
How do you go about building a new museum? Is it just sticking your old stuff in a new space?
Why the stone face?
06 Jun 2023
Why the stone face?
You might have walked past the Excelsior pub many times, but have you ever taken notice of its stone face? It's a stoic reminder of Timaru’s rebuild from the devastating 1868 fire.
Rare and Unrivalled Beauty - Aigantighe
01 Mar 2023
Rare and Unrivalled Beauty - Aigantighe
The Kelliher Art Trust is delighted to present this exhibition of 32 superb landscapes from its collection.
Let's sea how you care this seaweek
28 Feb 2023
Let's sea how you care this seaweek
The sea and our connections to it have defined much of the history of Timaru, and it’s time to give a little love back.